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19.1.2024, Milano


Associazione Moda Etica e Sostenibile lancia un portale per la compravendita di scarti industriali per produzione circolare e sostenibile


La piattaforma mira ad accelerare e promuovere il Circular & Sustainable Sourcing.


L'Associazione Moda Etica e Sostenibile e' lieta di annunciare il lancio del suo nuovo portale dedicato alla compravendita di scarti industriali per la produzione circolare e sostenibile nel settore della moda. La piattaforma, offerta gratuitamente dalla nostra associazione no profit, mira ad accelerare e promuovere il Circular & Sustainable Sourcing, ovvero l'approvvigionamento e la produzione circolare e sostenibile, mettendo in contatto diretto le aziende produttrici nel settore della moda.


Le aziende che aderiscono al manifesto dell’associazione possono richiedere la registrazione gratuita su questa piattaforma.

La sua semplicità' d'uso si basa sugli annunci, permettendo una compravendita diretta e indipendente tra le aziende.


Come sottolineare la presidente dell’associazione, Kristiana Venturini: “L'uso della piattaforma e' totalmente gratuito, non richiede alcun costo di registrazione ne' il pagamento di provvigioni sulle transazioni generate tramite il sito. Tuttavia, l’associazione accoglie volentieri le donazioni volontarie per supportare le attività  nel promuovere la moda etica e sostenibile."


Invitiamo tutti gli attori del settore della moda a unirsi a noi sul nostro nuovo portale per contribuire all'obiettivo comune di creare una produzione circolare e sostenibile. 


Inoltre, dato che la piattaforma e’ nella fase del lancio, chiediamo di segnalare eventuali problemi tecnici ed i suggerimenti per migliorare il funzionamento della piattaaforma.”


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31.1.2023, Milano




Moda Etica e Sostenibile, associazione no-profit per l’acquisto consapevole, annuncia un’applicazione dalla quale sarà possibile comprare on line prodotti di abbigliamento, calzature e accessori high fashion, luxury and hand-made.


Il nome  “SUSETH” deriva dal Sustainable & Ethical Fashion. La piattaforma sarà disponibile da fine febbraio del 2023 in versione beta e già allora le aziende aderenti al progetto potranno caricare le loro offerte e iniziare la fase di test. Il lancio effettivo dell’app per il cliente finale è previsto in estate.


Educare il consumatore all’acquisto consapevole, creare un punto di incontro per aumentare il volume di vendita dei prodotti di moda sostenibile sono gli obiettivi dell’ultimo progetto di Moda Etica e Sostenibile. Nelle parole di Kristiana Venturini, presidente dell’associazione: “Vogliamo agire in modo concreto per la salvaguardia dell’ambiente e benessere sociale. Abbiamo varato il canale PodCast, abbiamo pagine social attive e seguite quotidianamente dai nostri follower, ma cioè che conta per noi è andare al di là delle parole. Con l’applicazione intendiamo rafforzare la community di aziende impegnate nella produzione di moda etica e creare uno spazio dove il cliente attento alla sostenibilità può acquistare con tranquillità, in modo semplice e veloce, trovando solo i prodotti selezionati ed approvati.”


Moda Etica e Sostenibile App è un progetto aperto. In questa fase, tutti – aziende e consumatori - possono partecipare proponendo brand e singoli prodotti e condividendo feedback e osservazioni nella fase di testing. Le offerte che si troveranno nell’app saranno selezionate con criteri rigorosi, evitando che ci siano marchi che fanno greenwashing. Per partecipare al progetto è possibile scrivere a


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Moda Etica e Sostenibile PodCast

5.9.2022, Milan



Ethical and Sustainable Fashion PodCast is the new online channel that from October 2022 will share information and insights on sustainable fashion.


Curated by Kristiana Venturini, president of the non-profit association Ethical and Sustainable Fashion, the channel will host interviews and thematic specials.
There are two headings initially planned on the PodCast channel:

Il Salotto della sostenibilità: ''Sustainability Lounge'' and W(A)NDERmind.

Sustainability lounge concept is to talk about Ethical and Sustainable Fashion in a simple, sincere way and without statistics; this podcast is dedicated to interviews: Kristiana Venturini will host managers, entrepreneurs, writers, designers and other reference persons active in the world of Sustainable Fashion in Italy and abroad.


W(A)NDERmind Let your mind wander and discover the wonder : a space for reflections, the first season will be presented by Kristiana Venturini. 

Kristiana Venturini: “The PodCast episodes of Ethical and Sustainable Fashion have different goals. The Sustainability Lounge interviews share the point of view of fashion professionals on the values and style of conscious dressing. W(A)NDERmind, on the other hand, will present comments and thoughts about important issues in ethical fashion and sustainability topics.


Download the complete press release here to publish it on your website, blog or social channel. 

comunicato stampa a Milano nasce associazione moda etica e sostenibile

1.7.2022, Milan


The idea of Kristiana Venturini: create a network of companies with a new communication model by promoting sustainability by amplifying positive emotions.


Ethical and Sustainable Fashion is the non-profit association bornin July 2022 in Milan with the main goal of sharing the holistic vision of a sustainable world. Already online with the innovative website where digital Avatars welcome you. Ethical and Sustainable Fashion proposes itself as a network of clothing, accessories, footwear companies in the high fashion and luxury sector, inspired by the principles of sustainability, fair work and the conscious use of resources.


Kristiana Venturini explains: “There are many criteria for evaluating ethical fashion. For us, it means respecting fair working conditions, working hours, adequate wages. Sustainable Brands are those who make prudent choices in production processes and in the use of resources, attentive to environmental and social impact. 

Ethical fashion also means adopting and promoting principles of correctness and civil responsibility, for example, against discrimination, body-shaming, homophobia, bullying and cyberbullying.


The purpose of the Ethical and Sustainable Fashion Association is to help affiliated companies promote their brand by spreading a radically positive message to the customer.


In the network project, the will is to lighten the tone of communication, to reach a mainly young audience but also people of any age with an open mind.

"For many, ethical fashion is associated with values such as social commitment and activism and that's fine,'' observes Kristiana.“Sometimes, however, ethical and sustainable values are spread only with serious and burdensome content. On the other hand, I am convinced that attention to the environment and people's rights can be communicated with serenity, amplifying positive emotions. I'd like to make sustainability more likely topic: by talking about it in a simple, sincere way and without statistics''. 


Among the projects of Ethical and Sustainable Fashion, in addition to the online magazine, PodCast and social channels, there are videos and promotional initiatives for members, fashion shows, training meetings and workshops and targeted communication activities.


Download the complete press release hereto publish it on your website, blog or social channel.

Kristiana Venturini Presidente Associazione Moda Etica e Sostenibile.png
Kristiuana Venturini aperiviaggi sul motoryacht NLG Patrizia
Capri 7.7.2022

7.7.2022, Capri


First presentation to the public of the association chaired by Kristiana Venturini.
The inauguration speech during the evening of July 7 


Ethical and Sustainable Fashion, a non-profit association for a new concept of conscious dressing, was presented to the public for the first time on July 7, 2022, during the event  Aperiviaggi, in the tour of 'Voucher - Il Turismo in onda', on the Motor Yacht Patrizia, on the route from Molo Beverello of Naples to Capri. Kristiana Venturini, president of Ethical and Sustainable Fashion, gave the introductory speech to announce the activities of the association . 


''Ethical and Sustainable Fashion wants to be a junction point between sustainable fashion companies and the final customers'' said Kristiana Venturini.''We are a certifying body of companies in the clothing, accessories, high fashion and luxury footwear sectors that follow the path of holistic sustainability''.


To define what ethical and sustainable fashion is, Kristiana Venturini recalled the acronym of the three P: Planet, People, Profit. A conscious fashion company is able to keep respect for the environment, people's needs, the economic sustainability of the company and workers in harmony. For Kristiana Venturini“The field of critical fashion has often been associated with a style of renunciation. Our association, on the other hand, wants to launch a new message: ethical and sustainable fashion is the bearer of well-being, for everyone''.


Ethical and Sustainable Fashion enters the operational phase: online communication via website and social pages, face-to-face events. The association plans, for the next few months, promotion and communication campaigns dedicated to companies and the end customer . 


The Aperiviaggi tour:

Ethical and Sustainable Fashion has chosen, for its inaugural event, the first route of the tour of Voucher - Il Turismo in onda conceived and conducted by Anna Di Maria and Paky Arcella.


Among the others there were Gisella Cozzo, the Italian-Australian international singer-songwriter, Maestro Gino Accardo, Antonio Mancini, singer-songwriter, Enzo Guariglia, showman and Emanuela Mari, actress.
The venue for the evening was the beautiful Motor Yacht Patrizia, by Navigazione Libera del Golfo, the motor ship whose first construction dates back to 1955 and which was modernized in 2020 to become a luxury yacht for events and excursions.


Video interview here


The full episode is on YouTube - click here.


Download the complete press release here and publish it on your website, blog or social channel.

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